

Environmental Health

Environmental health is the heart and soul of local public health in Massachusetts. Environmental health inspectors oversee many issues confronting people in their daily lives. The range of issues that health inspectors must be proficient in is far-reaching and very diverse. They are charged with ensuring restaurants and deli counters serve safe food; they monitor the quality of the air we breathe; they oversee the safe protocols and operations of body art/works establishments, public and semi-public swimming pools, summer camps, bathing beaches, and the storage and disposal of various waste materials. They also work to reduce excessive noise, insects, and tobacco use.

Environmental health has become a core function of most local public health departments in Massachusetts. Many local public health departments function without a full-time dedicated public health nurse, but none are without at least one employee whose main function is managing environmental health issues.

This chapter includes resources that cover the diverse field of environmental health-related issues that local public health officials may encounter.

Topic Area


Topic Areas & Resources

Setting Permit Fees

LPHI Training Programs on Environmental Health Topics

Individual Environmental Health Topics:

EH Topic AreaState Program and ContactAdditional Resources
Air Quality (Indoor)DPH Indoor Air Quality Program (617) 624-5757
Air Pollution (Outdoor)DEP Air Pollution (Link includes contact info)
Animals (Keeping of)MDAR Division of Animal Health (617) 626-1794 Examples of Local Regulations:
AsbestosDEP Asbestos Program (Link includes contact info) DLS Asbestos Safety Program (617) 626-6960
BeaversDivision of Fisheries & Wildlife (508) 389-6300
Body ArtDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757 Examples of Local Regulations:
Bodyworks-Examples of Local Regulations:
BurialDPH Registry of Vital Records (617) 740-2600 Contact your city/town clerk
Christian’s Law (Personal Floatation Device for Children)DPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Composting (Agricultural and Commercial)MDAR Agricultural Composting Program (617) 626-1724 DEP (617) 292-5632
Composting (Household)DEP Household Composting Information (617) 292-5834
Cyanobacteria Bloom (Blue Green Algae)DPH Environmental Toxicology Program (617) 624-5757
Drinking Water (Private)DEP Private Well Guidance Examples of Local Regulations:
Drinking Water (Public)DEP Drinking Water Program
Family-type CampgroundsDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Farm Labor CampsDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Farmers’ MarketsMDAR Farmers’ Market Program (617) 626-1754
Food ProtectionDPH Food Protection Program (617) 983-6712 Email
Grease Traps-Examples of Local Regulations:
Hazardous MaterialsOffice of Technical Assistance & Technology (617) 626-1060
Hazardous Waste Spills and CleanupDEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (617) 292-5500 24/7 Report of a Spill or Environmental Emergency: (888) 304-1133
Household Hazardous WastesDEP Household Hazardous Waste Information
Housing & Healthy HomesDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757 Examples of Local Regulations:
Indoor Skating RinksDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Lead PaintDPH Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (617) 624-5757
Massage TherapyBoard of Registration of Massage Therapy (617) 701-8630No local health responsibility
Medical WasteDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Mosquito ControlMDAR State Reclamation & Mosquito Control Board (508) 281-6786 DPH Bureau of Infectious Disease & Laboratory Sciences (617) 983-6550
Nail SalonsBoard of Registration of Cosmetology (617) 701-8792 Examples of Local Regulations:
Nuisance & Noisome Trades-
OdorSee Air Quality (Outdoor) above.
Onsite Wastewater Disposal (Septic Systems)DEP (Link includes contact info)
PesticidesMDAR Pesticide Program (617) 626-1776
Private WellsSee Drinking Water (Private) above.
Public/Semi-Public Swimming PoolsDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Recreational/Bathing BeachesDPH Environmental Toxicology Program (617) 624-5757
Recreational Camps for ChildrenDPH Community Sanitation Program (617) 624-5757
Rodent Control-Examples of Local Rodent Control Program:
Sanitary Sewer System (Private)DEP
Solid Waste & RecyclingDEP (Link includes contact information)Examples of Local Regulations
(State Statutory Authority):
Tanning FacilitiesDPH Radiation Control Program (617) 242-3035 Email
TicksDPH Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences
Trans Fat-Examples of Local Regulations: